In this high energy video, Jessica reminds you to use one of your best assets- YOUR SMILE- and the research behind what happens to your own internal operating system when you add positive emotions such as CARE, COMPASSION, APPRECIATION, and GRATITUDE. Activate heart-brain coherence when you smile for a double whammy of joyful energy that lasts 6+ hours! Now how would this upgrade your work day?


Your Team Challenge:

  1. Gift away smiles starting with your commute (if you have one), the people you pass or drive by, on calls, on zoom meetings, and YOU give the first SMILE!
  2. At the end of the week, check back in with the team. Ask how did smiling more affect your work day, your client/patient engagements, and how you felt internally? How did you go home feeling?
  3. Fill in the blank. “What surprised me most when I smiled was ___________________.”

You have an endless inventory of SMILES! They don’t cost you anything yet give you everything including more joyful living daily, an upgrade to your biology/biochemistry, greater psychological capital that equips you to be adaptable, bounce-back, activate wholeness brain functioning, and plenty more. SMILES are the fountain of youth literally offering anti-aging properties and a boost to your immune system.

Remember, when you gift a smile, not only are you making a positive deposit into someone else’s heart center, but you are also receiving one in yours. Watch the video to learn why your heart is the critical organ in reaping the tangible benefits that result from smiling more!
