Be YOU Bloom’s shop features apparel with meaning that supports well-being and inspires through the power of positive words. The words are action-based tips, backed by research, to fuel proactive and productive mental habits when you activate your H.E.R.O. daily. The more you process life’s events and your emotions through the H.E.R.O. lens, these traits will hard-wire into your brain as your new default vs. processing through a negative filter. The studies prove the more you embody these four core traits, the stronger your mental capital through which life becomes more joyful, challenges are easier to navigate through, and your health and body benefit!
Hope – I create pathways to achieve my goals
Efficacy – I have the ability to affect my outcomes
Resilience – I bounce-back and come back stronger
Optimism – I will succeed now and in the future
You’ll be sure to find something perfect in Be YOU Bloom’s shop for your own motivation or as a gift for someone you want to inspire or cheerlead on as they move towards their personal or career goals.