Would you like to be able to put yourself in a focused and relaxed state of mental alertness aimed at reaching a goal? Essentially, you are working from the inside out! Remember this: you are most suggestible to yourself. Regardless of the advice someone gives you, when you are alone, your own thoughts are present. What those thoughts are dominate the narrative you believe. It is essential to condition your mind with what it will take to achieve that which you desire.

The unconscious mind directs over 85% of your experiences and communicates through pictures and metaphors. This is why self-hypnosis can be quite effective. If you are most suggestible to yourself, why not come up with the very best suggestions you can deposit into your own mental space? Super athletes use mental rehearsal through visualization to condition the mind and body for performance. You will be doing the same while guiding yourself!

You want to reach an alpha or theta mental state (high learning/suggestible state). I play alpha or theta music easily found on YouTube. In this way, I can allow my body to release stress or tension and become present in the here and now. I place my body in a reclined position so that my legs are supported and so is my head. Do not use your bed as its purpose should be for restful sleep. This is an active exercise for your mind.


  1. You can do this with or without the music playing softly in the background. Whatever is your preference is what works well for you. You can also use singing bowl tones or binaural beats.
  2. Close your eyes. Take 4-5 slow, deep breaths in, filling up the lungs and releasing even more slowly. Repeat however long you desire until you feel a sense of calm or ease.
  3. Imagine yourself at the top of a staircase or wider, elongated steps that lead to a place that gives you joy, makes you feel safe, and connected to something more meaningful. Some clients select a beach or a forest or a spiritual place that offers comfort.
  4. Count yourself down slowly as you take each step from 10-0. You can also imagine yourself in an elevator as you see the numbers going down, passing each floor. Some prefer to use their internal voice rather than saying the numbers out loud.
  5. When you reach zero, open the doorway of your imagination. Perhaps you would like to feel the water slightly touching your toes as waves move in and out. Perhaps you are sitting atop of a mountain in line with the setting sun or lying on a bed of grass as you look up into the vast, blue sky. Allow yourself to drop in even more deeply.
  6. Speak into yourself the positive suggestions you desire to take root within you. These can also be affirming beliefs or claiming your victories. Begin to daydream, experiencing the possibilities. Do not be surprised that a smile or laughter or tears of happiness flow because your mind believes in your good outcome.
  7. Conclude with gratitude for this time of renewal. As you close the doorway to your imagination, begin to go back up the stairs counting yourself up from 0-5. At five, say out loud, “Eyes Open, Wide Awake!” Give yourself a hug for the work you’ve just done.

This is self-hypnosis. Your mind is constantly being influenced by the impressions all around you. Why not take control, clean up some of the toxicity that can build up, and manage your own mind? Begin to create what has not yet been explored as imagination is more promising than knowledge for it leaves room for what has yet to be discovered!

May you reach your full potential by awakening the gifts you have within!

Join us at Be YOU Bloom’s Virtual Cafe: https://bit.ly/3yop8bj

Jessica Morales Myers, CHt.

The Corporate Mind Strategist

Founder of Be YOU Bloom 🌳