Did you know that your team’s Positive Psychological Capital (Psy Cap) is key to your business success?

Psy Cap is the positive mental state of an individual characterized by expressing the (4) traits of H.E.R.O. It is focused on employees’ strengths brought to their personal and career development. Does your staff embody:

H ope: creating pathways towards goals

E fficacy: confidence to take on the work

R esilience: bouncing back and persevering

O ptimism: positive attitude about succeeding

Employees Who Embody Psychological Capital Demonstrate:

  • Self Motivation
  • Job Satisfaction
  • Employee Engagement
  • Improved Productivity
  • Social Responsibility
  • Mental Well-being
  • Organizational Commitment
  • Confidence & Will Power to complete tasks
  • Ability to handle demands and decrease stress
  • Willingness to learn from mistakes and do better

Management Who Embody PsyCap:

Motivate by example

Highlight employee strengths

Guide teams to develop greater PsyCap

Afford opportunities for the team to explore hope, efficacy, resilience, optimism (H.E.R.O.)

Offer employees psychological safety that fosters innovation, creativity, and the willingness to try new ideas

Implementation of PsyCap:

PsyCap can be trained and learned quickly in staff workshops

Management reinforcement is needed to integrate into culture

Strength-based feedback increases employee confidence

Return on investment is over 200% in some cases

Overarching Benefit

When employees and management activate H.E.R.O. at work, a positive organizational culture is formed. The staff lives it, clients feel it, and people take home these same traits, serving as an example to model in family and social systems.

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PsyCap Data Based on:

Over 50 Empirical Research Samples

Luthans & Youssef-Morgan, 2017

Burke & Hutchins, 2007