In my specialty in Hypnotherapy, I also incorporate other holistic modalities such as EFT Tapping. Emotional Freedom Technique has been described as acupuncture using your fingers. One taps on the acupoints to restore flow so that blocked energy flows. It is based on the premise that negative emotions stem from energy that is stagnant in the physical body. As it has been estimated that over 85% of disease stems from energy disruption in the physical body, it is worth taking the time to hit the energy rebalance button.

What I found surprising in teaching eye care doctors quick holistic techniques for their own well-being, is that they took most to EFT Tapping. Perhaps it is that the Veterans Administration approved EFT as a generally safe therapeutic technique as it has been used in cases of severe post traumatic stress disorder with war veterans. I also believe people are becoming much more intrigued by the mind/body connection and recognizing the critical importance of energy management. Energy runs through the meridian system. It is connected to the cardiovascular system. A simple relationship to demonstrate this is that when the heart stops, an electric shock is administered to restore life. Without it, life ceases.

We can also pick up on another person’s energy as they enter the room or pass us by. It can feel light or heavy. Thus as colleagues who invest much of our weekly hours working, we are responsible for the energy we bring into a meeting room, the office, and even a zoom session! EFT Tapping is one tool you can use for emotional and energy regulation. On my Youtube Channel, Be YOU Bloom, I share videos on what I call EFT QUICK TAPS, tapping on the go or during work hours when you need to hit reset in just one minute!

Another quick technique I’d like to introduce you to is Jin Shin Jyutsu. It also involves your hands. Here is an acronym I made up to help you recall what each finger is for.

WFly And Soar Together

Let’s assign each word to the finger it represents followed by the connected emotion:

Thumb – WORRY

Index – FEAR

Middle – ANGER

Ring – SADNESS (Grief/Insecurity)

Pinkie – TRYING TOO HARD (Self-Confidence)

Here’s how to activate Jin Shin Jyutsu:

1. Wrap your fingers from one hand around each finger on your other hand.

2. One at a time, starting with the thumb, hold that finger tightly for about 1-2 minutes.

3. Slow your breathing down on each finger as you begin to feel calm and at ease.

4. Repeat on the index, middle, ring, and then pinkie finger.

5. Place your thumb in the center of the other palm applying pressure for 1-2 minutes.

6. Switch hands and repeat.

What I find the teams I work with like about these modalities is that they are easy to do and self-empowering. For the medical teams, I advise them to guide their patients through this gentle exercise to stabilize their energy which can include anticipatory anxiety, frustration, and worry. More than ever, the younger generations are struggling with emotional overwhelm, and this affects the workplace and team morale considerably. Middle managers are struggling with the responsibilities on their plate while having to motivate themselves and their teams from a deficit of energy, contributing to burnout.

I’ve enjoyed using Jin Shin Jyutsu because it is noninvasive and works for me. When I need to settle my energy, such as when I am about to deliver a talk, I can quickly select one of the fingers and squeeze or press into the middle of my palm for a minute or so, and it does the trick! I also recommend bringing to mind something that makes you feel grateful or deeply loved as it will infuse the body with feel good hormones. Where there is calm, there can be no agitation. Two opposite emotions cannot co-exist; thus take control and make the choice that benefits your overall well-being most!

For just one full week, every morning before you begin your day, start it with Jin Shin Jyutsu. At the end of the week, take a mental inventory. Did your energy shift? Did you feel more on the upside than downside? Were you able to emotionally self-regulate? Did you find your productivity was good and more efficient? Did you come home or conclude your day with more ease rather than inviting stress into your evenings? Did you notice your mornings felt different? Is this a tool you can teach your team?

Let me know what your experience is, and I am happy to provide feedback if needed. I’d like to know how did you apply Jin Shin Jyutsu and will you implement this technique while working moving forward?


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Jessica Morales Myers, CHt.

The Corporate Mind Strategist

Speaker/Consultant/Private Sessions/Workshops

Founder of Be YOU Bloom®