What is Sports Hypnosis?
The use of hypnotherapy with athletes focused on recovery and healing the body as well as enhancing performance. This includes mental rehearsal, visualization, strengthening focus, confidence, and application of self-hypnosis.
What is Hypnotherapy?
- a combination of cognitive and behavioral approaches
- with the power of personalized positive suggestions
- using relaxation techniques to lower stress/anxiety
- creating a calm and focused state of awareness
- mentally rehearsing movement forward
- for goal achievement and optimal well-being
Where do sessions take place?
Hypnotherapy is effective in person, on the phone, and via video sessions.
Psy Cap equips the athlete with mental agility, discipline, and positive habits to out-perform, foster rest and recovery, handle adversity well, and become an optimally functioning human being. It is demonstrated by the athlete’s hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism – known by the acronym H.E.R.O.
Athletes with high levels of psychological capital perform better, believe in their abilities, and maintain a positive attitude even in difficult circumstances, enabling adaptability to devise solutions quickly. These attributes have been shown to influence the athlete’s career development. Psy Cap is not just an athletic skill, it is a life skill that has a spill-over effect on personal relationships, health, overall well-being, and happiness.
Psy Cap Stats:
HOPE: Athletes with high levels of hope figure out pathways to strategize and when those plans fail, they are able to quickly devise new avenues, whereas those with low levels feel stuck and are unable to bounce back.
EFFICACY: Self-efficacy determines the athlete’s willingness to overcome obstacles and endure challenges. With a positive mindset and increased focus, they are more likely to come up with effective game strategies.
RESILIENCE: Athletes with mental toughness see failure as data to be greater. They learn from errors and apply this information to the next game or competition to succeed.
OPTIMISM: Optimistic athletes view challenges as attainable, something to proactively take on. They also invest more effort to achieve them.
The Research